Thursday, November 17, 2011


Alright, it's about time I put out some new material.  Hope you like it.

  When you're bored, you get tired more easily, become impatient, and lose most of your ability to flex with new developments.  You can't concentrate well, either, and that's more likely to kill you than not having a weapon.  Fortunately, the solution is simple: stay entertained.  Play cards, learn new things, tell stories, share ideas, do what you love to do.  Whatever you do for the day, leave some time for yourself.  If you like writing, make time to write.  Keep a journal.  Invent short stories.  Do anything.  You need it as much as you need food or air, because without it you will not survive.  Don't force yourself to have fun, and don't force yourself to be serious: neither one works.  And without some measure of pleasure, life isn't really worth living.

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